That is all for my soap box today, thank you for listen to my rant!
10 Tips to Stretch Your Budget from Sunflower Market grocery store.
Sunflower Farmers Markets’ Stretching Tips –
and We Don’t Mean Exercise!
and We Don’t Mean Exercise!
How to Stretch Your Dollar at the Grocery Store While Staying Healthy
Sunflower Health & Wellness Educator
Sunflower Health & Wellness Educator
1. Shop bulk. Bulk sections are typically inexpensive and versatile. Buy bulk
grains such as rice, couscous, quinoa, noodles, and oatmeal. They are not
only healthy but will keep you feeling fuller, longer.
2. Shop sales. Check out the weekly ads. Cutting coupons isn’t just for grandma
anymore! (Double Ad Day is Wednesday at Sunflower! Double the savings
with overlapping ads!)
3. Shop for fresh fruits and vegetables. They are portable snacks, quick meals,
inexpensive, and obviously, very good for you.
4. Menu Plan. Make a list before you shop and stick to it! This will decrease
impulsivity and increase the money in your pocket. Not sure what’s for dinner?
Pick up a Newflower Supper Solutions recipe, fully intact with a grocery list!
Better for your health, better for your wealth!
5. Shop the house brands! They are usually cheaper and can save you big bucks
on the same great product.
6. Cost Compare. It might sound tedious, but the extra effort can save you a
bundle. Gather the grocery fliers and compare the costs of your basics, bread,
milk, pasta, eggs, etc.
7. Keep a tally. Do the quick math. Keep track of how much the bill will be when
items are in your cart. This separates the “wants from needs.”
8. Don’t shop hungry. You’ll spend more than you initially planned. It’s happened
to the best of us!
9. Stock up on dippers. Peanut butter and hummus paired with fruits and veggies
can create a quick and healthy meal on the go but won’t run up a big bill.
10. Skip the prepackaged “100-calorie packs.” These can contribute to a larger
bill. Instead, buy a large bag of cookies or crackers and divide 100 calories
worth into sandwich baggies. You’ll get more and save big!
I dunno - the way Paul inhales peanut butter gets very, very expensive. These are great tips, and I need to keep them in mind when I go shopping for sure.
Oh these are AWESOME tips! Thanks for sharing!!
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