Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yes, I'm still here. And I'm finally catching up reading all of your blogs/posts. WOW has it been a long time since I've blogged! I've been enjoying my little man as much as possible, since I will be going back to work in a couple short weeks :(
{Lots of cuddle time!}

{He's getting such a personality!}

{And he loves his daddy}

I have also been cooking up a storm, well when I can. But new things for sure. Some good. Some I won't try again. Ha! I'll do my best to post some of the amazing things I've been coming up with.

Hard to believe its nearing Thanksgiving already. Man how this year flew by. Especially since I was pregnant for over 75% of the year! Jackson's first Thanksgiving and Christmas may not be real exciting for him, Halloween wasn't, but next year will be so fun. I think we, as his parents, will be more excited for it this year than he will be. I was informed, and now have been thinking about it, the other day how this will be the last Christmas that we won't be up late or super early due to kids waking us, or putting together gifts for under the tree. Life as a Mom & Dad :)

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