Sunday, March 25, 2012

Recipe Recap

Wow, it has been a while since I've posted any recipes or cooking adventures. That's what happens when life, work, family, a baby and life get in the way. No need to worry, we have still been eating!

I want to re-visit some of my recipes and re-post them to new people and those that haven't tried them yet. I also need to come up with some new ones and post some of the ones I haven't posted. Some people have approached me saying they love what I've cooked and it has been an inspiration to them to start trying out new things. Makes me so happy :)

Here are a few recipes from posts that have made their debut on the blog, just for fun!

Taco Salad Simple!
The Ah-may-zing Chicken Broccoli Bake
Twisted Chicken Salad Lunch anyone?

I want to try to come up with some easy recipes for people to make, especially for people only cooking for one or two. Left overs, while good and great for lunch the next day or even dinner the next day so you don't have to cook again, aren't for everyone. Sometimes having the same thing two nights in a row is boring and yucky. Yep, yucky. So I'd like to focus on cooking lighter, healthier, and more portion size anyway. There are always options to double a batch.

Just some goals and things to look forward to in the not to far futre :)

Here are some cute pictures to get you through the rest of the post.

Aloha Festive, Tempe Town Lake, March 11th

Morning play time

Sleepy guy has to sleep on his side

1 comment:

Julie Danielle said...

Love seeing little babies sleep. Too cute!