I'm getting another 'bug' again...not the flu or a cold, but the cooking bug. I do love cooking and trying new recipes!!Lately I've been into another mood where all I want to do is cook! So I've been browsing recipes from my cookbooks, searching online and have even found a couple of blogs that are VERY helpful (where I found this recipe) and have given some great recipes! Some of these recipes I've found are vegan, and not that I'm against that in anyway, they are just a bit different than I'm used to. I actually could be completely vegan or vegetarian, I used to kind of be by choice, just didn't care for the taste of meat. I love fruits and veggies and have such a taste bud for new things to try. So as we made our way to the grocery store I picked up a few things to try out some recipes. I'm excited to try them! The first one I tried, was called Cutie Pockets w/ Chikpea Salad and can be found by clicking on the link. Boy was it good! If you like garbanzo beans (aka chikpeas) then man you'll love this! It really almost tastes like chicken salad, and it is LOADED with veggies!
My ultimate goal is to try to start eating much more healthy and smart. I am already a very healthy eater and have always been a health food person, but now that I'm starting to broaden my horizons for cooking, I'm so open to suggestions and loving finding all these great recipes!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Moving to Arizona (pictures)
Here are some pictures from our move from Colorado to Arizona.
These were some pictures of our friends and family as we saw them on the last day we were in Colorado & on our way out of town. We had a blast seeing everyone before we left.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Picture updates
So I know I've been saying how much I need to upload some pictures. Well today is your lucky day! I am slowly but surely getting pictures up and going. First I thought it would be fun to load some pictures from way back when Josh and I were younger. I had these pictures from when I put together our slide show for our wedding and thought I'd share them here.
Here's Josh playing in the snow.
Josh with his dad.
Josh and his sister Steph.
Char with her brother Jimmy.
Char with some Easter candy.
Char and Uncle Chuck.
It's fun to take a look back in time and bring back memories!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Spring Cleaning to the Blog!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Living it up in AZ!

Well we've got all moved in, still unpacking, but are enjoying our new place. Every night so far we've gone to the hot tub to sit, taken walks around the complex, worked out together, had dinner by candlelight on our "veranda" as Josh likes to call it, also called the " Lanai' " in Hawaii as my mom informed me. So needless to say, we've been getting used to our new place quite nicely!

Lucy has been enjoying playing in all the boxes; so much that we've lose her a couple of times. No worries though, she's been found sleeping nice and cozy!

Work has been good for me, getting settled in and learning the ropes. On my first day of shift we even had some weather activity. This type of weather Colorado usually sees in late May so it was a nice change to see it in March. It has been cool for the last couple of days (to you in Colorado, 'cool' still means warmer than you, sorry!) but it should be warming up here in a few days. I've heard so much about the Monsoon season during the late summer time I'm really excited to see what it has in store.
We still don't have internet or cable at home yet, so we use the internet when we get a chance. With this being said, I still don't have any pictures to load on here, sorry! Will be updating this MORE often though!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Well we have officially made it to Arizona! We got in late last night and are in a hotel for a few days before we move into our new condo. Can't believe we are going to live here: it's so warm and beautiful right now! We had a lot of good-bye's to say and were very sad to say good-bye to all of our friends and family. It really was great to see everyone and were so blessed to have everyone show up to see us off. I'm really going to miss seeing all those babies that will be born in the next 2 weeks to 8 months!
The drive down was a slow and steady one. Josh did most all of the driving (thanks babe!) as we pulled my car with his car. It was a pretty nice adventure either way we looked at it. Lucy did great also!
As soon as I can hook up my camera I will upload some pictures. My goal will be to keep up with this blog a lot more often now!
The drive down was a slow and steady one. Josh did most all of the driving (thanks babe!) as we pulled my car with his car. It was a pretty nice adventure either way we looked at it. Lucy did great also!
As soon as I can hook up my camera I will upload some pictures. My goal will be to keep up with this blog a lot more often now!
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