Well we've got all moved in, still unpacking, but are enjoying our new place. Every night so far we've gone to the hot tub to sit, taken walks around the complex, worked out together, had dinner by candlelight on our "veranda" as Josh likes to call it, also called the " Lanai' " in Hawaii as my mom informed me. So needless to say, we've been getting used to our new place quite nicely!

Lucy has been enjoying playing in all the boxes; so much that we've lose her a couple of times. No worries though, she's been found sleeping nice and cozy!

Work has been good for me, getting settled in and learning the ropes. On my first day of shift we even had some weather activity. This type of weather Colorado usually sees in late May so it was a nice change to see it in March. It has been cool for the last couple of days (to you in Colorado, 'cool' still means warmer than you, sorry!) but it should be warming up here in a few days. I've heard so much about the Monsoon season during the late summer time I'm really excited to see what it has in store.
We still don't have internet or cable at home yet, so we use the internet when we get a chance. With this being said, I still don't have any pictures to load on here, sorry! Will be updating this MORE often though!
1 comment:
Thanks for the update!! I'm glad all three of you are adjusting well! Isn't it great to have a "veranda?" :)
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