Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Hubster's Birthday & Cake Decor
Happy Birthday Joshy! Another year older and twice as much more goofy, I love it. I hope your day is amazing and the whole year brings so many new adventures.
Here's the cake I made for him. Yellow cake with chocolate peanut butter frosting, a famous birthday tradition to have this frosting. I made a twist adding some decor on top. Some mountains, to remind him of Colorado. However, I only had green and blue, perfect for mountains but added a sun at the top, oh well you get the idea.
I love you :)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
{Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love}
I've had this song stuck in my head since February. Not consistently, but it's always there. It has been stuck in my head since my dad passed away. I heard it in the car when I was back in Colorado every single time I was in the car and wasn't sure what it meant. I love the song, but why did it keep coming on? I fully believe that people talk to me through music. So I'm guessing this is somehow a way that I'm being talked to.
Some hidden meaning that I have taken from this song:
1. "My head is stuck in the clouds"...well I'm a weather person and he knew that I loved weather
2. "We'll watch the world from above"...well he is watching from above now.
3. "We may only have tonight"...make the most of the time you have with the ones you love. Honestly.
4. "Play the music low and sway to the rhythm of love"...he loved music and would always play music, mostly Jazz but quite a variety.
5. "And long after I've gone, You'll still be humming along, And I will keep you in my mind"...I still hum and hear your voice and tears come to my eyes when I think of you and you are always in my mind.
While this song might have more of a romantic meaning behind it, at least to the guys who wrote/sing it, I think it has a bit of a different meaning to me. This is just one song and just one way I think he's talking to me. Tears still come to my eyes when I hear it, but I turn it up and sing right along.
My head is stuck in the clouds
She begs me to come down
Says "Boy quit foolin' around"
I told her "I love the view from up here
Warm sun and wind in my ear
We'll watch the world from above
As it turns to the rhythm of love"
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love
My heart beats like a drum
A guitar string to the strum
A beautiful song to be sung
She's got blue eyes deep like the sea
That roll back when she's laughing at me
She rises up like the tide
The moment her lips meet mine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love
When the moon is low
We can dance in slow motion
And all your tears will subside
All your tears will dry
Ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba baba
Da da-da dum da-da dum
Ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba
Da da-da dum da-da dum
And long after I've gone
You'll still be humming along
And I will keep you in my mind
The way you make love so fine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the music low and sway to the rhythm of love
She begs me to come down
Says "Boy quit foolin' around"
I told her "I love the view from up here
Warm sun and wind in my ear
We'll watch the world from above
As it turns to the rhythm of love"
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love
My heart beats like a drum
A guitar string to the strum
A beautiful song to be sung
She's got blue eyes deep like the sea
That roll back when she's laughing at me
She rises up like the tide
The moment her lips meet mine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love
When the moon is low
We can dance in slow motion
And all your tears will subside
All your tears will dry
Ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba baba
Da da-da dum da-da dum
Ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba ba-ba
Da da-da dum da-da dum
And long after I've gone
You'll still be humming along
And I will keep you in my mind
The way you make love so fine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you're mine all mine
Play the music low and sway to the rhythm of love
Saturday, May 21, 2011
New Name & Look
Making some improvements and updates to the page. Changed the name, since it is no longer just Josh and I :) Also, gave the page some new colors and looks. Hope you like it! (Thanks for the suggestion Leota!)
So after tonight if you follow this blog you'll want to update your settings and point our blog to . I'm not sure if it will still send you updates if you have our old address.
Have a great rest of your weekend!
So after tonight if you follow this blog you'll want to update your settings and point our blog to . I'm not sure if it will still send you updates if you have our old address.
Have a great rest of your weekend!
Dairy, where have you been...
Yes, that is what I have been thinking to myself since I've gained the hunger bug about 9 weeks ago. That was when the "I-feel-like-I'm-going-to-throw-up-every-second-of-the-day" feeling left me and I am now hungry. I've had my share of dairy, about the normal person's dairy intake, and I haven't had any problems. Apparently this baby doesn't think I have a lactose problem. Cheese and ice cream here we come! Not together though, now that is gross!
Other than that, that is about the biggest "weird" thing so far in this pregnancy. I've been super hungry but my portions are getting smaller, as I eat many, MANY times throughout the day so I don't eat much at one sitting. Not to worry, I'm hungry about 2 hours later.
Here's a weekly update for you all...seeing as how I missed last week due to some visitors:
More updates about our visitors coming soon!
Other than that, that is about the biggest "weird" thing so far in this pregnancy. I've been super hungry but my portions are getting smaller, as I eat many, MANY times throughout the day so I don't eat much at one sitting. Not to worry, I'm hungry about 2 hours later.
Here's a weekly update for you all...seeing as how I missed last week due to some visitors:
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{I need to start wearing a cute outfit when I take pictures instead of just a tank top, and clean that mirror!} |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 23 Weeks Today....woah, that means only 17 weeks to go?!
Size of baby: size of a Papaya! (and weighs 12-20 oz and is 11.8 inches long)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: As of the Dr. appt on Wednesday: 10 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity pants, and some shirts. Regular T-shirtsare starting to fit weird are just about too tight to wear!
Gender: Baby Dewey is either a Girl or a Boy :)
Movement: I've been kicked and can feel hiccups! The kicks are getting more frequent...what a feeling! Hiccups are pretty steady.
Size of baby: size of a Papaya! (and weighs 12-20 oz and is 11.8 inches long)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: As of the Dr. appt on Wednesday: 10 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity pants, and some shirts. Regular T-shirts
Gender: Baby Dewey is either a Girl or a Boy :)
Movement: I've been kicked and can feel hiccups! The kicks are getting more frequent...what a feeling! Hiccups are pretty steady.
Sleep: Have been super tired and now starting to get uncomfortable
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Food?! I'm just hungry now. Have been liking grilled cheese, pasta, pizza, peanut butter m&ms...nothing too strange.
Symptoms: None, have some heartburn/indigestion, hiccups for both baby and me.
Labor Symptoms:Nope. Gonna read into Braxton Hicks though.
Milestone: Doctor appointment was on Wednesday and things look good.
Best Moment this week: More kicks and hiccups. Jim got to feel the kicks!
What I'm looking forward to: My belly growing (more) and feeling MORE and constant movement!What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Food?! I'm just hungry now. Have been liking grilled cheese, pasta, pizza, peanut butter m&ms...nothing too strange.
Symptoms: None, have some heartburn/indigestion, hiccups for both baby and me.
Labor Symptoms:Nope. Gonna read into Braxton Hicks though.
Milestone: Doctor appointment was on Wednesday and things look good.
Best Moment this week: More kicks and hiccups. Jim got to feel the kicks!
More updates about our visitors coming soon!
How fast does hair grow?!
I've been pretty well known to have long hair for quite some time. And back in high school I'd cut about 8 inches off every summer and start over. About 2 years ago I cut off 12 inches to donate and here we are again with long hair.
I have some help growing mine this time: hormones.
So what's it gonna be? I'm 5 1/2 months along. If I cut 4-5 inches off do you think it will grow back before September? I'm not too scared to lose the length, but I don't want to go super short. A nice healthy cut would be nice, especially since it will be 115 degrees here soon and I'll need all the help I can take to stay cool.
We'll see what happens. But I'll likely cut my hair. Looking for a new change.
I have some help growing mine this time: hormones.
So what's it gonna be? I'm 5 1/2 months along. If I cut 4-5 inches off do you think it will grow back before September? I'm not too scared to lose the length, but I don't want to go super short. A nice healthy cut would be nice, especially since it will be 115 degrees here soon and I'll need all the help I can take to stay cool.
We'll see what happens. But I'll likely cut my hair. Looking for a new change.
Friday, May 20, 2011
On the Menu: What's for dinner?
Ok everyone I need some advice, suggestions and ideas. Please send all of them my way. I'm looking to make a bunch of food to have in the freezer so when its 115 degrees out this summer and I'm as big as a cow (pregnant) and don't feel like cooking I can pop something out of the freezer and into the oven/microwave to eat. This will also help once baby comes and I don't have the time to cook up something amazing.
I've only come up with a few, very few, ideas and want to know what others think or like. What goes good being frozen and then heated back up?
In the meantime, I'll be back in the kitchen cooking up some yummy food ideas. One bonus to being pregnant, because there are quite a few bonuses, is being hungry ALL THE TIME and almost EVERYTHING sounds good to eat. Nothing too weird over here for me.
Any suggestions or challenges anyone has for me to cook will also be gladly taken into consideration (meaning if I can do it or not!).
Happy Eating and thank you for your ideas!
And since I found this over on my friend Amy's blog, I thought I'd join in since it's Friday and all :)

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{Image found here} |
I've only come up with a few, very few, ideas and want to know what others think or like. What goes good being frozen and then heated back up?
In the meantime, I'll be back in the kitchen cooking up some yummy food ideas. One bonus to being pregnant, because there are quite a few bonuses, is being hungry ALL THE TIME and almost EVERYTHING sounds good to eat. Nothing too weird over here for me.
Any suggestions or challenges anyone has for me to cook will also be gladly taken into consideration (meaning if I can do it or not!).
Happy Eating and thank you for your ideas!
And since I found this over on my friend Amy's blog, I thought I'd join in since it's Friday and all :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011
New same, same place
As our lives will be changing in a short 4 1/2, another topic all in itself right there...I think a new name for our blog is in order. As our family has grown now to 3, counting Lucy of course, and will soon grow to 4 with Baby Dewey coming in September, I think a new name rather than just "Josh and Char" is in the works.
I love being a part of the blog community. While this blog started out to keep friends and family up to date on our lives and live through pictures it has grown to showing our adventures as we got married and started a new life in Arizona, as well as my cooking extravaganza! Now as we grow once again as a family I think "Josh and Char" just doesn't quite capture all of us. So look for a new name to come in the near future.
In other news...4 1/2 months?! Wow it seems like time has flown by so far. Of course when I was sick and miserable it seemed like time would never move an inch. Funny how those are the times we want to go by faster and then time goes too fast when we are enjoying it all. Overall I'm really enjoying my pregnancy. Each new milestone is exciting to me. I get so excited for each new week to come and love the email updates I get "You are now in week...." and learning all about how Baby and I are changing.
One thing I noticed, or commented about yesterday, was the fact that I eat quite often because I'm hungry. It came to me, "I guess this is good practice making myself eat every 2 hours, not that I need to make my self right now, because when the baby comes Baby will eat probably every 2 hours." Just a thought to myself the other day, and now to all of you.
I love being a part of the blog community. While this blog started out to keep friends and family up to date on our lives and live through pictures it has grown to showing our adventures as we got married and started a new life in Arizona, as well as my cooking extravaganza! Now as we grow once again as a family I think "Josh and Char" just doesn't quite capture all of us. So look for a new name to come in the near future.
In other news...4 1/2 months?! Wow it seems like time has flown by so far. Of course when I was sick and miserable it seemed like time would never move an inch. Funny how those are the times we want to go by faster and then time goes too fast when we are enjoying it all. Overall I'm really enjoying my pregnancy. Each new milestone is exciting to me. I get so excited for each new week to come and love the email updates I get "You are now in week...." and learning all about how Baby and I are changing.
One thing I noticed, or commented about yesterday, was the fact that I eat quite often because I'm hungry. It came to me, "I guess this is good practice making myself eat every 2 hours, not that I need to make my self right now, because when the baby comes Baby will eat probably every 2 hours." Just a thought to myself the other day, and now to all of you.
I have been off of the computer for almost a week, at least off blogger and facebook, since we've had visitors. I will be back though! And I will post some updates!
Until then....Have a wonderful week!
Until then....Have a wonderful week!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Everybody is {Kung-fu} fighting...
This was from our 18 week ultrasound. Since then I've had another, but Josh was at this one. Things are progressing well and Baby is growing great. Still on schedule for our Sept 17th due date.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 21 Weeks Today
Size of baby: size of a Banana in length! (and weighs 12 oz and is 10.5 inches long :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Probably up to about 7-8 lbs now.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity pants, and some shirts. Regular T-shirtsare starting to fit weird are just about too tight to wear!
Gender: Baby Dewey is either a Girl or a Boy :)
Movement: I've been kicked! The kicks are getting more frequent since a few days ago...what a feeling! And last night was the first time I felt it on the outside :)
Sleep: Have been super tired and now starting to get uncomfortable
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Food?! I'm just hungry now.
Symptoms: None, but my hips hurt and have heartburn/indigestion.
Labor Symptoms:Nope
Milestone: No Doctor appointment this week; my regular check-up is next week.
Best Moment this week: Getting kicked! And Josh feeling it last night :)
What I'm looking forward to: My belly growing (more) and feeling MORE movement!Size of baby: size of a Banana in length! (and weighs 12 oz and is 10.5 inches long :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Probably up to about 7-8 lbs now.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity pants, and some shirts. Regular T-shirts
Gender: Baby Dewey is either a Girl or a Boy :)
Movement: I've been kicked! The kicks are getting more frequent since a few days ago...what a feeling! And last night was the first time I felt it on the outside :)
Sleep: Have been super tired and now starting to get uncomfortable
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Food?! I'm just hungry now.
Symptoms: None, but my hips hurt and have heartburn/indigestion.
Labor Symptoms:Nope
Milestone: No Doctor appointment this week; my regular check-up is next week.
Best Moment this week: Getting kicked! And Josh feeling it last night :)
Last night was a pretty special night. Let's back up a bit though. So the past 2 weeks have gotten more movement in my belly. Someone is taking line dancing lessons or learning Kung-Fu. At work I notice it when I sit up straight and I can feel the kicks on my waist near where my pants come to my belly. I think Baby is upset and feels crunched - Sorry! The last few days I tend to put my hand underneath my belly, as if I were "holding" it up, and just feel the kicks on the inside. I feel like by my hand being there Baby knows I'm feeling for him/her. Then yesterday at work I did the same and man was Baby on a kicking spree. I don't notice much kicks at night before bed, I'm hoping Baby will take some sleeping habits from Daddy :)
Last night Josh and I were sitting on the couch watching some Dual Survival (love this show and Josh would be a great host of it too!) and I again felt kicks. We went downstairs as our neighbors were having a BBQ/party and wanted to say hi for a bit. I sat down and began to feel kicks as usual. I put my hand on my belly and felt the kick from the OUTSIDE. Oh man, I thought I was having gas or a hiccup but nothing came out - haha, sorry too much information! So Josh was busy talking and I smiled so big. I motioned for him to come over and just calmly said "put your hand here and just hang out for a bit". Nothing. Dangit Baby, how do you know when to be shy?! A few minutes later he left and again kicks came back. So I just had Josh put his hand back and go about his business talking. Then he looks at me "I felt it! It was right in the middle of my hand!". Oh man I could have cried, I could cry now, yeah hormones. That was so cool!
Way to go Baby Dewey, let's get those legs going!
I can't wait to keep feeling it from the outside and have my mom feel it! We get visitors next week, my Mom, Step Dad and Brother are coming out to visit us! We're pretty excited!
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